Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jason Pace

Here's an update from an old Bison, Jason Pace, who is one of the most genuine and down-to-earth people I have ever known. Jason's email address is

"I wanted to touch base and thank each of you for all of the prayers, calls, and support over these past few months. As you may already know, a few months ago, I had surgery to remove a Crohns diseased area of my intestines, which had become scarred up over the years. Unknown to the physicians, while removing a portion of my intestines, a cancerous mass was found within the lymph glands of my intestines. The mass, later revealed as lymphoma, was removed, along with the scarred area of my intestines. Following surgery, PET scans and bone marrow tests came back normal; however, the physicians recommended a six-round treatment plan of chemotherapy (R-CHOP), to prevent any chance of reoccurrence. Last Friday, I completed my final round of chemo. and everything is going well, other than a little hair loss. A second PET scan in May also revealed no cancer present and I will continue to have these tests over the next few years.

As I finish up these treatments, and begin to come out of this "life's storm," I wanted to say Thank You again for your emails, words of encouragement, prayers, and support. Through trials like this, it is very comforting to know I have friends, like you, by my side. God has truly blessed me through this ordeal and I give him the praise. I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to keeping in touch with you."

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