Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Living Legend

Coach Don Meyer is an amazing man. I've known it for decades, and now, thanks to an ESPY as the recipient of the 2009 Jimmy V Award, so does a lot of the rest of the world.

I first met Coach Meyer as a twelve year old kid in 1984 at one of his legendary basketball camps at David Lipscomb University. The camps were attended by thousands of kids from around the US, which is somewhat surprising because they were anything but what most kids would call fun. They were about fundamentals, discipline, and substance over style. Coach Meyer would decry the dunk, and applaud a great pass and/or screen. He would lambast the selfish primadonnas, and venerate the selfless role players. Those are lessons I carry with me to this day as a coach, and as a parent.

Thank you, Coach Meyer, for all you have done.

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